THE GEORGE AND HEART, MARGATE. You have made a believer out of me

I raised my eyebrow at the news that an old pub which had been left empty was being repurposed as a pub once more.

Such is the decline in the pub industry that surely anyone attempting to breathe new life and perform a heart massage to revive a dead dodo must be frankly stupid. 

Oh ye of little faith... 

The position of the pub is not ideal, just out of the golden circle of opportunity which is the old town of Margate. It sits just that step too far away. 

I couldnt see how anyone would take it on... 

To the tune of the Monkees... "Then I saw her face, now I'm a believer" 

I'm not monkeying around... 
Opportunities for new businesses premises in Margate are hard to find now. Where once there were boarded up shops, graffeti and weeds, there is now colour, vibrancy and life. 

It has an eclectic mix of new era cafes/restaurants and gift shops. 

Margate has become a town of new ideas and dreams

For now the people keep coming to visit, for now the shop keepers are smiling and excited. 
For now. 

Like all new things, could this be the bubble that bursts? 

Winter is upon us, and if you have lived on this island for as long as I have, you know seasonal businesses have to make hay while the sun shines, and bunker down when it doesn't. 

There are clear reasons why the George and Heart will not only survive, they will thrive all year around. 

Let's get into it...

They are not trying to redesign the wheel, they are simply doing their own thing which happens to be better than everyone else. 

If you miander around Margate you see people sitting outside pubs and bars, some more so than others. 

The further you move away from the seafront they become drastically fewer in number, that is until you drive past The George and Heart, there are always people outside, lots of them. 

In the summer they have a meet and greet person that will find you a table and take your order, it's that busy! 

Is this a shiny bar with polished glass and manicured shrubs? No. 

Does it scream this is a place to take your better half for a romantic dinner? No, it doesn't scream anything of the sort, but the people that adorn the seats do. 

Colourful, fashionable (in a good way) nice people. 

This is not the Margate we knew, this is like the trendiest area of London. This is exciting. 

Step inside. It's like going into Santa's grotto as a child. You kind of want to take it all in before you head to the bar, but the bar is right in front of you so there isn't time. 
It's earthy, homely. The seats are a mish mash, there's a seating bay area to the left, and even when someone is in there, you still want to plonk yourself next to them.. 

It just draws you in. 

Look to the right and there is a large and airy seating area, a mix of comfy chairs and tables. Food menus, and another good indication is that people are eating, and look happy! 

I have a bit of a thing about food, it's why I've started reviewing places, it's my platform to expose poor performers flouting themselves as something better, why? Because I want them to be better. 

My measure of a good restaurant is based on 3 simple points: 

1) Is it better than what you can do at home? 

2) Is it something that you have always wanted to try? 

3) Is it fairly priced?

If you hit all 3 clearly you are amazing. I want to go back ASAP and I'm telling everyone I know. 

Two out of 3 you are pretty good, and worthy of another try someday. 

One out of 3, well I'm not going to rush back in a hurry. 

If you hit none of these, then you won't see me again, and I won't be the only one. 
It is highly likely you won't be around much longer, unless you take massive action and change. Thats my measure. 

There is one meal in the UK upon which all restaurants can be measured against. 

The humble Sunday roast dinner. 

In principle it has 3 main elements, meat (or substitute) roast potatoes and veg. 
This is your base to then add gravey, Yorkshire puddings and condiments. 

Such a simple dish, but results can vary wildly. 

And of course you cannot account for taste. Some people like their veg a non existent mush, others like them crunchy. 
All will agree that crispy potatoes is where it is at though... 

This is what pulls my chain... 

If you are selling food in a pub or restaurant, it is an insult if you deliver a roast dinner at £20 per head that looks smaller than a kids plate of food at the Toby Carvery. 

I would even go as far to say that unless you are offering something comparable for the same price (£12.99 for an adult plate with unlimited refills of veg) then you are kidding yourself. 

If you are putting out a average roast dinner at £12 with basic veg and roast potatoes you can count on one hand, then you are still kidding yourself. 
Using my measure you are not hitting one of my 3 markers. 

The point of eating out is to enjoy something you couldn't or wouldn't do at home.. And for a family of 4 that's almost £50 which you could do at home for a tenner. 

Don't get me started on Christmas day pub dinner prices! 

It can't be hard to see where I am coming from?

I know some people will say oh I don't like going to the Toby, you pay extra for the location etc.. I totally agree, I like going to nicer places too, but unless the quality is there I refuse to pay more.

The reason for my little sideways rant is to come full circle back to the George and Heart. 

The George and heart make a big sell about their roasts, and boy, 

The George and Heart does not disappoint. 

The first clue that they are good is everyone has one in front of them on a Sunday. 

When the weather is kind, the frontage is packed with diners as well.

If you happen to sit down for drinks, but are eating elsewhere, and you spot these coming out I challenge you to resist cancelling your existing booking and wait for as long as it takes to have one here instead

This is where to go if you are in the know. 

What's their secret? They care about what's on your plate, and they take it to the next level, without taking anything away, it's just a visually stunning plate of food, and it doesn't disappoint. 

Is that the end of the story, is that their USP in a nutshell? No, they have developed a well grounded, developed offering of delious food throughout the week as well... 

Which leaves you a bit of a problem, why can't you go everyday? 

The George and Heart also has 7 rooms to stay in. Ive got to give credit where it is due again, the pictures look stunning. 

The link to the website is at the end of the review. 

I am sure they will continue to evolve as they roll with the punches, just like everyone else, but given their clear commitment and foundation they have built, the only way is up. 

As for the name, was George the same George of legend, who slayed the dragon? That I can't say, but it has made a believer out of me. 


1) Is it to the expected standard? It goes beyond all expectations, it is a shining example of excellence ONE STAR AND ONE BONUS STAR

2) Does it do something that you have always wanted to try?  Yes the menu leaps at you screaming try me, and the beers do too! ONE STAR PLUS ONE BONUS STAR. 

3) Is it fairly priced? It isnt wetherspoons, but it is worth every penny. ONE STAR AND ONE BONUS STAR 

4) Cleanliness, including customer toilets. Yes ONE STAR

5) Service. Table service for drinks outside in the summer, attentive service inside It alsmost hits the bonus as well but still a fantastic ONE STAR


A) Does it have a clear and relevant identity? It knows exactly what it is, and it delivers by the truck load

B) Does it stand out for quality and standards? Yes the quality is evident as soon as you step inside, the service and quality of product is outstanding. 

C) Is there areas of the business that someone else does better? They've  nailed it. 

D) Does it diversify? The have rooms above, as well as guest chefs and pop up caterers. They are completely watertight. 

E) Will customers return without hesitation? Without a shadow of a doubt, and this is one unassuming place that is only going to get harder to get into.. Watch them fly

