CRAB MUSEUM, MARGATE. Nothing fishy going on here at all.

It's a rainy day, the kids need to get off their phones, what shall we do?  

Margates snappiest attraction is now open!

THE CRAB MUSEUM! Yes you read that correctly, 

Margate now has a museum dedicated to our curious crustaceans, so if you have kids that love to catch a few crabs in the summer and want to know more then this is your heaven. 

Before I go on, I will declare that I won't be making any intentional jokes about catching crabs in Margate, tempting but this review is #PG! 

Did someone just wake up and think that opening probably the world's only crab museum in Margate is their lifes calling? 
I actually think so! 

Before I go on and spoil everything, I need to share my muse on living by the sea.... 

It has been a long time opinion of mine that we as islanders do not know about or celebrate our coast enough. 
The coast is not part of our culture anymore, the fishing towns we once were are now just relics, the generations of seafarers are almost gone. 
Time moves on. 

In contrast, people that do not live by the coast go crazy when they see the sea, they want to be down the beach every day, rain or shine. 
The locals, well... most will never set foot on a beach this year. There is nothing curious about something you grew up with and see everyday. 

Maybe this observation is true, and why the creation of this splendid museum is actually a stroke of genius. 

It is the curious visitor that will come here, it is the people that adore the coast that will adore it here, and I for one can't wait to see how it develops. 

Most local people will come here because its free, there really isn't any excuse to not give it a try! 

Checking google maps I know this is around Margates old town, 9 Broad Street. Just look up! 

The entrance leads to a corridor where your journey begins and it starts with the history of the universe through to where we are today. 

My top tip would be to pull the reigns on the kids at this point, they want to fly in and see the attraction, take the opportunity to follow the story they present, this is an educational experience. 
I never heard about the famous Margate crab, this is a replica of its claw! 

There are lots of fun facts that you will make you think again about our little crabby friends. 

What really turns this from a well thought out celebration of one of the least understood creatures, the humble crab, to a thoroughly entertaining experience is the live talk.

Maybe crabs arnt your thing. Maybe you can't think of anything worse that standing and listening to someone talk so eloquently about crabs is enough to bring you out in a nasty rash and itches.

Well they have covered that base as well, they sell some rather delicious beer (amongst other drinks) so turn your frown upside down and crack open a cold one and show your appreciation to what will be one of the most enlightening educational pieces you are ever likely to witness.

(And take satisfaction that this beer has helped support this free attraction.) 

It is impossible to not appreciate or admire the hard work and dedication that has gone into this museum. 

Check out their social media for special events and talks, there is much to come from the team at the CRAB MUSEUM. 
