STINGRAY, MARGATE - Bar and bottle shop. For that mistake I will make you will pay!

Micro pubs, micro breweries. They are now an established thing. No space is safe, empty long enough and boom, ta da.. I'm a pub, or in this case, a bottle shop? 
Stingray.. I love the name. 

When I was a kid it was the alternative to thunderbirds.
When I was a bit older Thunderbirds was also the brand of pear wine that my mates would try and buy from the off licence using their older siblings paper driving licence as ID, all you had to do was remember the date of birth and the star sign. It didn't matter that you couldn't see over the counter, get the DOB right and star sign and you was off on your heels back to your mates hiding around the corner. 

Back to:

Stingray was the submarine version.

 It was cool, edgy and different. 

This is exactly what this place is. 

Stand by for action

we’re about to launch Stingray

Stingray Stingray
Stingray Stingray

Marineville i am calling all battle stations
Anything can happen in the next half hour

Stingray Stingray
Stingray Stingray Stingray

Adorned with vaguely similar fonts in its branding  this once small victorian shop with its central entrance flanked with glazed bays and tiled forecourt is a new addition to Cliftonvilles Nortdown Road. 

Well it's actually around the corner, but it's close enough. (There are no longer any kids hiding around here hoping to get getting wellied on Thunderbirds.)

So pardon the stingray submarine reference, but I had to see what was going down! 

It is the summer. 

The sunshine is beaming down on its outside tables and chairs like a calling from the gods. 

If you have grown up around here, you may be forgiven for pre judging any place in Cliftonville, especially Northdown Road. In the past you certainly wouldn't want to see what was hiding around these corners, kids waiting for their thunderbirds would be the least of your worries. (last Thunderbird reference, I promise!) 

That was then, and times have changed... 

The customers filling the seats were not what you might expect. The people here were nice. DFL'S, everyone's a DFL nowadays, is it discrimination to call them DFL'S? 

I know they are normal people, but they stand out a mile. 
They look different , but sound posh. 
Let's go and rub shoulders with the new kids on the block. .. 
Wow, what is going on here! As soon as you step through the door you are pretty much at the bar/counter. Its not really a bar... 

The person behind the counter who cheerfully greeted us had facial piercings and green hair. 

This is a place where you can be who you want. I love it. 

Browsing the area behind the bar, it's unclear what's going on, do you do cocktails I ask, I was directed to the menus on the table. We gratefully sat down in the window to take stock of what was going on. Its kind of like a cafe vibe with beer. 
Stingrays unique selling point, or USP for short is selling craft beverages from independents. Beers, Ciders, Wines.. They are all sold in cans or bottles for you to buy and consume here, or take away. 

I noticed a bottle a wine being advertised as a take away, Its well over £30 for the bottle, so you must really, really, really want that wine and that wine alone to pay that and take it home.. There's a shop across the road that will sell you any bottle of wine for about £6.. so you could get 5 or 6  of them for the same price. 

I like the concept, I wonder if anyone pays for it? (why oh why didn't I see it coming) 

The Mrs wants a cocktail, I want to try a beer. It's like being a kid in the sweet shop. Across the wall is a bank of about 5 six foot tall drinks fridges with every beer you've never heard of screaming  buy me, drink me, love me. 
Once they have you in their sights , there is no escape. 

With so many colours a labels flashing in your face, I don't know where to look first. A bit like being in the dressing room at Hooters I imagine. 

It's hard to work out what's what... So to help you they have written the strengths of each row on the glass.. 

At least you have fair warning of what's going to kick like a mule. 

She's having a cocktail, I'm feeling like I would be missing out if I didn't try something a bit challenging so my nose is in the fridge reserved for people who's liver needs wringing out, my hand is drawn to a can, I take it. Clutching it, loving it already I take it to the counter to order the cocktail and pay for my preciousssss (smeagle voice) 

"do you want to put it on a tab?" the young lady asked.. Yes I do.. She handed me a glass, I span on my heel and pirouetted into my seat. Cracked open the beer, it's delicious, I am as happy as a pig in shit. 

The cocktail arrived and now the Mrs is equally happy. We are happy, we won't be moved now. 

Roasting in the window a bit, we see a couple of seats come free outside and we expertly make our move. It's all very industrial, the tables feel a bit dirty, but that's okay, it's part of the charm. I feel like a real dfler now, living the dream! 

We stayed for another drink each, why not? It a great spot to people watch, catch snippits of other people's conversations, enjoy the summer warmth in this funky oasis. Love it. (oh and pay attention to my wife, not everyone elses) 

We could stay longer, I went in to settle the bill. 

The smiling assassin held the card ready out, as I tapped my card I saw the amount. My life flashed before me. 

Maths was never my strong point. 

1x cocktail, 1x G&T, 2x cans of beer (not even pint size) £45
.... Let that sink in.... 
The cocktail was less than a tenner, G&T was a single and nothing spectacular and 2 cans of beer. £45.

"Sorry can I just check that" also realising its too late as the moneys already been transferred.. "£45 sounds way too much" without blinking she told me I had picked up 2 of the most expensive beers in the world and then there was the service charge. 

SERVICE CHARGE. whaaaaaaaaatttt! 

Service charge to grab your own beer, dispense it yourself, drink it and return it, and you charge for that? There is no sign saying £7 cocktail special plus service charge.. Its day light robbery! 

There were no prices on the cans, or menu to read which might have prewarned me about the cans to pick up and the ones you need a mortgage or end up divorced for!

This is all going through my head while I am still standing there, card in hand. Like a rabbit in the headlight I am unable to move. 

"Ah Thankyou" I said, I should have known, I should have realised it when I saw the green hair. 

These guys are rich for a reason, because of people like me who think we can be just like them. 

We can't. 

I waited until we got around the corner before I told the Mrs. 

Don't get stung at stingray. 

I kind of wanted to leave my review there, the cautionary tale of how I blew the weeks food shopping money on 2 tinnies, but really that isn't what stingray is at all. 
There is much to love. 

They are innovative. They are passionate. They are unique

I found this menu on their Facebook account, there are more examples of where they have guest chef residencies throughout the year. 

This is not a bar that opens its doors and waits to see what drops in, they draw people to it like flies to a flame, I admire that, we need more places like this, but hopefully next time put the prices where we can see them. 

We are lucky to have it on our doors step. 


1) Is it to the expected standard? I am rating this on drinks only as I havnt eaten there. You have to assume its a micro pub, and for that alone it has a spectacular choice. The drinks were lovely. ONE STAR

2) Does it do something that you have always wanted to try?  It has lots to try! ONE STAR

3) Is it fairly priced? Depends on what you call fair. In my case, no. At the time of my visit there was nothing to warm me that a can of beer would cost me over a tenner. Granted, there will be much cheaper, but this is a bitter taste ive still got in my mouth. NO POINT 

4) Cleanliness, including customer toilets. I didnt use the toilet, everything else was clean enough ONE POINT

5) Service. Applied a service charge. Instant fail. Having thought about it, maybe it was the drink-in price verses the take-out price. Either way, No bill presented, no service recieved apart from taking my money. NO POINT. 


A) Does it have a clear and relevant identity? It has a cracking personality, its different. I think thats exactly what it wants to be. Is is what people expect? Im not sure. 

B) Does it stand out for quality and standards?
Quality products, thats undeniable. However with prices so high for some products I have to wonder who is buying the stuff... Apart from unwitting idiots like me! 

C) Is there areas of the business that someone else does better? Its so niche im not sure you can't really compare. 

D) Does it diversify? It switches up its food offering with pop up kitchens, and runs a fairly decent online profile. 

E) Will customers return without hesitation? Yes I think it has a unique appeal, whether it has a wide appeal remains to be seen

Check them out at STINGRAY 

3 Northdown Parade, Prices Avenue, Cliftonville, Margate. 
