GB PIZZA, MARGATE. This is the reason you want to dine at the seaside.

Here you get things made with dough, and stuff put on them while you bask in the sunshine and drink nice stuff. Simple.

This is the the type of place and location that if you are of a mind to start your own business selling food that you seek but never find. But if you do find it and you get your business model right here, you better buckle up Dorothy because Kansas is going bye bye.

Today there is an insatiable appetite to open a hospitality business in Margate. Commercial property is hunted down by a new breed of ravenous innovators desperate to put their marker down and spin the wheel because in this place everyone can be a winner.

It was very different when GB PIZZA opened in 2012. It was one of the first independent restaurants which dared to dream and believe that they could make it here in a town of improbable possibilities. It would have taken a massive leap of faith, as well as investment, but it just goes to show that if you believe in yourself and your business model, and by offering something unique people will come. 
Then the improbable possibilities become a success story, and this is as it has been for GB PIZZA.

For 10 years they operated successfully, winning awards and accolades along the way and deservedly so, and then disaster happened.

It has been a proverbial anus horribilis for the Queen of GB PIZZA. It has reopened just one month ago having been closed since last year. It had suffered a huge fire caused by someone setting alight some cardboard in their porch way, it took hold and the much loved pizzeria was gutted. 

It was boarded up for an incomprehensible amount of time. A frustrated insurance claim process was cited,  I began to wonder if it would ever come back until eventually social media started to tease it's relaunch. Finally GB PIZZA opened mid way into the summer season and mercifully it is that it seems they have picked up exactly where they left off!

GB PIZZA is situated on Margates seafront on marine parade, and what a great spot it is too as it basks in the sunshine all day overlooking the famous golden sands, and perfectly placed to watch the setting sun kissing the horizon.

Margate was made famous for its sunsets by the revered artist J.W Turner who often painted Margate, and said the loveliest skies are "in the Isle of Thanet". He could never have conceived his inspired art and words would be the catalyst for Margates resurrection some 200 years later. 

A quick look around then. Is it just me or can you say "you wanna pizza me" without doing an Italian mobster voice? It is great fun and a striking image you will remember. This is a thoroughly acceptable space to grab a quick bite or pop the cork off a bottle of fizz and celebrate. It just oozes chill appeal.

"Thin and crispy since 2012" another bit of fun but deviously clever as it makes it absolutely clear what they do with unflinching pride.
It is an expression of passion and unswerving respect of its residual self image. They have created an aura which could be described as a rhapsody for the senses, a provocateur of style. Maybe that's a bit much but it's just cool, edgy and fun.
I find it thoroughly refreshing that this isn't an attempt of recreating a bit of Italy with red and white checked linoleum table covers and lace doilies. This is GB PIZZA showing the Italians that not only can they can play them at their own game, but can do it with modern flair and finesse.

The Italians inspired us with their passion, and their relationship with hospitality is intertwined within the fabric of their society. Once upon a time you had to go to a real Italian restaurant to experience the true brilliance of an authentic Italian pizza. You can understand why they are so protective and loyal to their cuisine, but here in GB PIZZA they are calling out the Italians with their own brilliant versions, taking the game to the Italians and dare I say it... better?

On to the eating and how we found ourselves here then.
It was a magnificent September midweek evening and I found it inconceivable that so many places were not even open! Our needs were specific. 
1) Somewhere sunny. 2) a bit of a treat. 3) not anywhere that charges silly amounts.

From the Lighthouse Bar we googled and pointed out our targets. Shortly after we were sat outside GB PIZZA, menu in hand.
The first thing to impress me was the staff. You get the instant impression that everyone here is passionate about where they work, you can sense it. Immediately we are greeted and seated.

Here you get things made with dough, and stuff put on them. Pizzas, flat breads, dough balls, then a few other options hidden in plain sight. Apart from a few puddings, that's pretty much it. They all sound intriguing with punchy headlines grabbing your attention.

The other side of the menu are the drinks which is an equally balanced selection across all disciplines of liquid delight.

I'm reviewing the pizza options, all are wonderfully unique and tempting and that is a problem because you just know you want to try all of them! 

I opt for the "No smoke without fire" which is clearly a joke at their own expense? Should be if it isn't. Mrs R goes for the Bath Pig Chorizo and Chilli, and a bottle of Pinot Grigio, to share of course! And why not when you are sitting here in the glorious sunshine.

Oh and at £20 for the bottle I was quite relieved as I had expected a tad more.
Great table service in that tap water was brought to the table without being asked which is by far the easiest solution to the culture of customers demanding free stuff. Their service is more than adequate by simply presenting the bottle with the plastic cups, crack on. I am totally happy with that. 
Personally I can't bring myself to ask for tap water. I'm not a snob, but asking for and expecting something I am not paying for in a service industry just doesn't sit right with me. The Mrs on the other hand has no qualms...

Whilst I am in the mood for getting my pet peeves out in the open, a second note of compliment for GB PIZZA may seem ridiculously obvious but I find it incredible that this doesn't happen everywhere, it is one of my eye rollers. The wine is delivered to us in a chilled.. emphasis on CHILLED wine cooler. You know the type don't you? Usually a metal sleeve the bottle slips into, but not enough space for ice. So we got one of those nicely chilled AND a side bowl of ice. Now the ice is a nice touch but how many times do you get served wine in a room temperature wine bottle cooler? No, it doesn't hold the temperature of the chilled wine even when warm, the warm jacket is like putting an ice cube in an oven. Utterly useless!
I got so worked up over that I even made a rhyme.

Unless the cooler is cool.. it doesn't cool, and that's not cool. So don't be a fool and know the rule, if the wine cooler is warm or even hot, does wine go in there? Definitely not! (will probably use that again)

Anyway, bravo team GB PIZZA!

Our order was just for two pizzas, and they arrived in about 15 minutes on some nice branded paddles, the delicious looking pizzas were delivered steaming hot from the oven, beautifully charred at the edges. 
For me this is my perfect pizza, but this point will be a matter of personal preference I am well aware, but the base is so thin it almost snaps like a poppadom. I like the idea that if someone took issue as they prefer a thicker base to their pizza that they are simply prompted to read the sign "thin and crispy since 2012". It's not like you wasn't warned.

Forget knives and forks, just slice or rip and grab. There is nothing more satisfying than eating fresh, thin base pizza which has this ridiculously gorgeous tomato and mozzarella topping at its base. Mine came with a warning from the kind hearted waitress, "it is very spicy" she cautioned. It had fresh chillies and nduja, the spicy Italian sausage paste (doesn't sound great when you say it like that does it?) I am in heaven. 

I want to end this review with a compliment of the business model because that is kind of how I lean on reviewing a place. I use the food as the lure for the reader but if things are out of kilter then I generally pick up on it and present it, hopefully constructively. Most of all I like to see how a place ticks, and to give credit given where credit is due.

So for GB PIZZA I can sumise it fairly simply as it is a business that gives exactly what it says on the tin, and does it brilliantly. 

This can only be because the person that owns this business is dedicated to its fundamental values.
In someone else's hands I am positive it would stray into the crowd pleasing octopus arm with fingers in all pies trap/thing other places seem to fall into. In someone else's hands it would have fries, pasta, burgers, calamari you name it, but these are merely distractions from the reason people come to you. 
If you are going to do pizza, make it the best it can be, and this is what they do brilliantly around one main product. I have to admire that, and I think for anyone in business wanting a bit of clarity of how to deliver a great product effectively then go to GB PIZZA. 

In fact everyone just go to GB PIZZA so you can say "you wanna pizza me" in the voice. End of.
14a Marine Dr, Margate CT9 1DH
