EVERYONE KNOWS THIS, DON'T THEY? Let's talk about "The Law of Attraction" to thrive in the Hospitality Industry

What do you need to do to be a successful in Hospitality

After the fallout from the COVID pandemic the hospitality industry attempted to rise from the ashes, some never made it. Those that managed to get back on their feet have now been chopped down at the knees by one of the biggest economic challenges to the hospitality industry on record. 

There are some hospitality businesses that continue to thrive while many others are calling for last orders. So let's look at a few local examples and if you are in the hospitality industry then these might ring a bell for you!

Let's look at an example of somewhere that has reopened while others are closing, and they have done so impressively. Just how have they done it?

For many years this pub and restaurant has been a shell of its former self. Most people living in Margate and surrounding areas will have passed this on your travels at least once a week and you would pass it by without an ounce of curiosity. The last time Lesters had been on the "lets go there for a meal" map was so long ago that many had forgotten that it was once a thriving food led pub, a place for gatherings and celebrations. It commands a prominent position on a busy road next to the hospital and surrounded by houses, an ideal spot for a community pub. The signage outside says "Function room, pub and restaurant, special occasions catered for". Its intentions are for all to see, but the fact is that it still closed is proof that you can talk the talk, but you have to walk the walk.

To know what happened you have to go way back.
It was part of the Thorley Tavern chain back in the early 2000's and with that came support and investment because that is exactly what Thorley Taverns are great at, but just because it was part of an established group doesn't guarantee success. Thorley Taverns understand that you need the right people managing, square pegs in square holes. 
The managers then were husband and wife team Debbie and Keith and when they left 18 years ago to go it alone they took with them something a  place like that needed. The owners Thorley Taverns couldn't replicate their outgoing managers abilities in another manager, the business nose dived and eventually they decided that Lesters was not viable within their portfolio.

This was the beginning of the end for Lesters. It was taken on by new tenants, what followed was mixed online reviews, an empty car park and large pub windows revealing nothing but emptiness. In 2022 Lesters lease went up for sale again.

Debbie and Keith left for a new venture, and eventually became the owners of The Racing Greyhound in Ramsgate. 
The Racing Greyhound was similar to Lesters in that it is positioned on a busy road, a good amount of houses around it and it served food but like Lesters was in 2022, the Greyhound back then had a take it or leave it stigma attached to it. However when Debbie and Keith took the reigns it literally sprang out of the proverbial traps, it exploded into life. How they did this is something I call:

The Law of Attraction

Attraction I don't mean pretty. I don't mean refurbished I mean people saw it differently, attracted to it. It is all about perception.

Now people wanted to come to this place, attracted by the lure of somewhere that does things the way they like them. Traditional values, quality well priced food, understanding their customers and therefore their business. They continue to operate the fantastic venue, I have reviewed it separately and covered the specific things they did and still do to make it a success.

So back in the present day, Lesters was up for grabs, and Debbie and Keith made a bid, but it wasn't the same place they left. 

They wasn't buying a business, there wasn't one, they were buying a shell.

The opportunity was in what they knew they could do. 

Using their tried and tested approach, good honest food, good service, welcoming atmosphere and brought together by a motivated team and equally passionate management couple they opened Lesters again to great fanfare. 
For 18 years the previous managers and owners had tried and failed. Debbie and Keith changed a few key things and Lesters is an instant success. Full seats, social media full of creative marketing, regular posting of special menu items, live music and events. The car park is now always full, you see tables full with people when you pass by. It is quite the transformation, and barely a lick of paint applied.

So despite Covid, and a challenging economic climate there is still the scope to be successful by appealing to the people that would typically come to your style of pub and ensuring they leave contented.

They were able to see the potential in the pub and make it attractive to customers again. They also managed the business well and kept costs down. This is a success story but also a warning because if you fail to understand the principles of a successful food led pub business then it is more likely that you will not survive. 
Understand what makes you attractive to your target audience, and deliver it without compromise.

The all to familiar tale of the business that couldn't continue

I started by using Lesters as an example of how making small changes can make a huge difference, so if they can do it why can't everyone? The answer is simple, it doesn't matter how many years you have been in this business, if you fail to understand what people want and take massive action then your future will possibly follow the path of these icons.

Just meters from Margate harbour is the oldest remaining pub in Margate, The Northern Belle is situated in the throbbing erogenous zone of Margates happy place which is the old town. A place of massive rejuvenation and investment, a place which has turned the tide and no longer the symbolic relic of a dismal seaside town but a cause for considerable excitement you would think? 
But no, As of 2022 The Northern Belle is now also closed. 

UPDATE: The Northern Belle has been raised from the depths, see my first impressions here

What reason did they give for closing? 

COVID and rising costs. 

COVID was the in no doubt the straw that broke the camels back for many. But clearly many survived and can thrive, so why is that?

Cultural irrelevance has been the ghost of Christmases yet to come for so many hospitality businesses. Death takes those that do not change their rotten ways. 

It failed because it became inconsequential. It became anonymous, unattractive. It became the flag bearer for the publican old guard, pottering on, same customers day in day out, attracting no one new until there were customers no more. 

That's not the whole story though. the pub tried to recover from the devastation of COVID and it re-branded as a Cambodian restaurant. This initially created some interest from the insatiable and feverishly ravenous local foodie luvvies, and gained some essential coverage when the film crew which had been making Oscar nominated movie Empire of Light rocked up. Rather than be a springboard to greater heights, that would prove to be a momentary glimmer of what could have been, it closed shortly after, rising costs cited as the reason.

This is an all too common story for pubs nowadays, just up the road on another enviable position, The Britannia lies empty, bereft of life apart from the weeds growing from its fairground ride planters.

How can a pub or indeed pubs with all the history and local attachment just disappear? The answer is being a pub does not mean you are any longer the default place to meet and socialize. There are many reasons not to go to a pub now so you have to make it attractive. 

There are places doing fantastically well because they are attractive and they are innovating, luring your customers away. But you can be an innovator too, but if all else fails, be attractive.

I have reviewed hospitality businesses spanning  Margate, Broadstairs and Ramsgate, so please go through all to see what these do in order to make themselves attractive, or not!

These are a few examples of places in Margate which I have reviewed which reveal why they are attractive.

The George and Heart being my favourite example of creating something incredible from nothing.

The Cinque Ports for reinvention and attitude with the International Wrap Artists (IWA)

The Bulls Head for reviving an iconic old town pub, which has no bar!

And lets keep our eyes on:

The Shakespeare opening in the summer 2023 

UPDATE: The Shakespeare is now open! Read my first look article here.

The Law of Attraction is a banner and beneath it is a myriad of competencies you need to master, and it doesn't matter if you are an old school publican or restauranteur, or stepping into hospitality for the first time. If you make it attractive you will thrive.

Enjoyed this? If you are a pub which sells food and is struggling to justify the expense then you might want to read my article which could provide a solution you never thought of.

Click here to read it now.
