THE RACING GREYHOUND, RAMSGATE. Pound for pound, the peoples champion.

The Racing Greyhound pub in Ramsgate. A thoroughbred community food pub. 

What is the key to a successful local community pub? 

A warm welcome?  Comfortable surroundings? Friendly atmosphere? Home cooked food? Pool team? Sport on the TV? 
The list is endless really and there are no real wrong answers. 

But heres the thing, If every pub does these things (plus all the others not mentioned) does it guarantee success? 
No, if it was that simple, it would be easy! 

The reality there are many pubs struggling, while some are booming, why is this the case? 

It's not just what you offer, it's what you do and how well you do it. 

This is a well placed community pub, just about enough chimney pots about to have a local pop in trade. It is prominent, it sits on the main road between Ramsgate and Broadstairs. 

That said, It's the inbetweener. Sat between neither here, nor there. 
To make a pub like this work you need to draw people to you. 

Back in the day it benefitted from the neighbouring greyhound track (hence its name sake) and friday market which was a huge weekly event, it attracted people from far and wide and these events would be hugely beneficial for the weeks takings. 
But once they disappeared, so did the weekly takings, and they were left with a very large financial abyss. 

It plodded on somehow, but now looking tired and close to closure, the tenure became available. 

Debbie and Keith took over in 2007 and like the proverbial Greyhound out of the trap, they focused on that racing hare and went for it.

Running a pub is no walk in the park. 
There are 3 classic mistakes that are all too easy to make. 

The first is to open your doors and expect people to walk in. 

Second there are many people who dream of their own pub business who through either ignorance or arrogance create an extension of  their living room.
This is not a business, that's a hobby. 

Thirdly, Pub managers and owners that do a lot of things with half the effort needed, resulting in poor results. 
Rather than focus on what can make you the most money and give it 100%. 

You will have met those people. Their counter argument will always be, "oh we tried that" or "that won't work here" but it is funny how someone else can take over and totally transform the busines doing the things that the previous people said were impossible.

This is exactly what Debbie and Keith have done. To make a successful pub business today, you have to make it irresistible. 

Keith runs the kitchen, Debbie the front of house. Behind the scenes they are an organised team. 

How have they done it? Well, bloody hard work I'm guessing they would say! It's clear to me how they have been so successful. and here are my simple rules to follow for any hospitality business. 


You have to start with yourself. You are running a business. 
Like any other business owner, If you don't show up to work in the morning, if you don't have a strategy or plan, you don't earn money. 

It's that simple. 

Your first priority is to understand your potential customer base.

What people group are around you? What do they want? Once you identify that group, how can you draw them in? 

How can you appeal to more of that group?  What's your back up plan? How are you going to fill the seats when primary target group isn't there? It doesn't matter if it is a community pub, or a city bar, the principle is the same. 

Diversify. Unless you are the only place on a desert island then you have to diverify wherever possible. Sure, a Pizza restaurant isnt going to do well selling Chinese food, but doughballs and Italian inspired cocktails will. 

Debbie and Keith understood their real strength and opportunity lay with food and catering. 

Debbie and Keith got rid of the passive income of the pool tables, and the expensive Sky sports. Many pubs would argue that they need those to survive, to be "a proper pub" 

Serving food provided a 7 day a week steady income rather than a one day football wonder, which also disrupted their food service. 

They  repurposed the pool room for functions. 
Functions provided more opportunities to sell food, and more people buying the beer. 

It's a winning recipe. 

All of this is for nothing if you do not take every opportunity to sell. Yes, looks matter!

A fair amount of pride must be taken in your appearance. If you do not look clean, well kept and welcoming from the outside then you have already chopped your chances of someone new walking through your door. 

A big empty looking pub is as approachable as an abandoned building with dogs running loose. You're just not going to go there. 
You've got to stand out for the right reasons. 

Create the curiosity. SELL SELL SELL! 

The picture above, 2 "A" boards visible to passers by, 2 different offers, both shouting clearly, both amazing offers. 

Guess what's going to happen? You get booked out. That's what. 

Be clear about what you do, make it so that it's almost impossible for passers by not to notice. 

Offer something that removes any obstacles for objection, be irresistible! 

The above deal, a midweek roast cheaper than the Toby Carvery (I don't care what you say, unless you are selling a superior product then you cant charge more than the Toby)

STOP THE PRESS!!! If you bring the kids before 7 then they eat free too. Let that sink in. It's cheaper than going to Mcdonald's!

Bums on seats equals notes in the till. 

Check this deal out, a great example if diversity. 
A steak in a decent pub or restaurant is going to be £15 plus each, so basically you are getting a free bottle of wine. 
Most people will then stay and buy more drinks, bums on seats, all about bums on seats. 


A special is a special, but it might as well just go on the menu if you do it everyday, so make it special on a certain day, and do different specials on the other days. Diversifying your offerings appeals to more people. 

Show your customers what is going on at every opportunity. Don't shy away from selling yourself, don't hide your menus!

Not do a home delivery! (but why not? did somebody say just-eat?) 

Deliver the standard you advertise. 

A reasonably/competitively priced menu should not mean poor food. 

Marking up your food as home cooked and charge a premium price is not going to get the till ringing either. 

pub proudly advertising their home cooked food has to way exceed what you can cook at home or all you are really offering is convenience. 

Convenience isn't enough, you still need quality at the right price delivered every time. 

What is the right price? It may not be the price you want to charge as a pub owner, or the price you want to pay as the customer, every pub would love to sell a pint for a tenner and a burger for a bullseye. It's not going to happen. You have to find that magic spot that gets your till ringing. 

The food is great here, but it's not a gastro pub, it's not going to blow your mind, it's not going on Instagram, but there is no need to try to do that here as it is good quality and reasonable. 

People vote with their feet, and the competition will lure your customers with a well priced product, even if you are more convenient. 

Just get those bums on seats, and make people smile for delivering to them what they came for, reasonable prices for excellent food. 


So is everything perfect at the Greyhound? 

No, I could nit pick. We can all do that. But all I would be doing is pointing out the bits that don't really matter, like I don't like the placemats for example, but some will say that's the charm of the place. 

Something I never understood is why there still a window in the cubicle door to the only sit down toilet in the gents? It makes the pulling up your trousers manouver a skill you never knew you needed. 


Is the garden beautifully landscaped? No but it's a  secure and functional green space, lots of tables, trees to hide behind (for the kids!) and it's got a good quality kids play area. 

Oh and as it's a pub, it obviously sells drinks. There are no great surprises, the usual premium mainline beers and ciders are on offer and as such they are priced accordingly. What I mean by that is that they are not cheap. Not over priced either, but a reminder that a pint is only £1.99 in Wetherspoons, and you are no longer in Wetherspoons. 
The wine is sold by the glass and you won't be reaching for the emergency credit card to pay for the cheapest bottle. So on balance its fair. 

The Racing Greyhound have now erected a large marquee in the garden, which will be used for larger functions and weddings. It would be fair to assume on the basis of everything else I have reviewed here that your special day is in very capable hands. 
Like I said, diversify to meet the needs of your potential customers, for every occasion at every opportunity. 


1) Is it to the expected standard? Talking about its food, it does what it says on the tin. Good honest pub grub. You wont see many bells and whistles, its not trying to be something it isnt, and thats only a good thing. ONE STAR

2) Does it do something that you have always wanted to try?  No, but you know you are not going to wish you ordered something else either. That said, I cant give star, NO STAR

3) Is it fairly priced? Yes it is reasonable and with kids eat free options as well as special offer theme nights, it makes eating out a no brainer. ONE STAR AND A BONUS STAR 

4) Cleanliness, including customer toilets. Perfect ONE STAR

5) Service. The service is beyond a typical pub standard. Drinks brought to your table, dessert menu presented after your meal, and they dont quibble if you want a couple more spuds on your plate.. ONE STAR AND ONE BONUS STAR


A) Does it have a clear and relevant identity? Yes they have clearly set themselves out to be a great family pub and restaurant 

B) Does it stand out for quality and standards?
It doesnt disappoint. Sure its not going to win masterchef but you are definitely getting value for money. 

C) Is there areas of the business that someone else does better? For their category of pub I am not sure there is anyone that gets close. 

D) Does it diversify? At every opportunity. Special meal deals, funtions, weddings, the list goes on. 

E) Will customers return without hesitation? Yes, its hard to find fault. You might not go there to propose, but take the family and chill, thats what they do best. 



Do you agree? Do you have an opinion too? Is there someone else you think does it better, or tag those that you know that could take a leaf out of their book. Start the conversation today. 
