STREETS, MARGATE. A sneak peek and first impressions.

A new bar opens its doors on Northdown road, which has been awarded the 8th wonder of  the world! Well, not quite, almost, but its still really cool! And so is Streets, by all accounts! 

I hold my hands up, I haven't been there yet, and I've raided their Instagram account for reference and talking points. This is what my role is really, show you what I see, to lead you here and give you the reasons why. So in my book my review still counts.

So where, to begin? Start at the beginning, and when you get to the end stop. (little Alice in Wonderland for you there)

Let's start with the above picture, a teaser to entice interest in this new exciting business, does it reveal a hidden message I wonder?

The vision for the business in this picture is in clear sight. 
Do you see? Clearly depicted in its where's Wally cartoon of Northdown road. 

In fact I would go further, it reminds me of those posters you could buy from WH-Smiths depicting a scene (a crowded swimming pool I fondly remember) and if you looked closely some of the characters had their willie's hanging out. It was very funny when you was 12...It was an 80's thing I guess?

Clearly no Wally (or willies), this has the elements of a very inviting depiction of a family friendly Northdown road with 3 of the characters in the foreground being mothers with their children. The other person in the foreground is presumably a retro boom box loving youth which is also very much at home here.

The rest seem to be enjoying some al fresco street food or browsing a vendors stall. Maybe even a Street stall? This is like the Da Vinci Code of pictures, the truth is hidden in plain sight.

Self indulgent nonsense, or not, this is why Northdown road has been voted number 8 in the world of the coolest places to live, because this is what people imagine they will see when they visit. And you know what, they are not far off the mark now.. Northdown road isn't what it was, well it is, but not the bits most people remember it for recently...

To save repeating my yada yada, here is my article on Northdown road.
But if you can make it here you can make it any where, it's up to you new Northdown roaaaaaad...

So whose is the mission, who is the passion behind the dream?

A solid résumé. Modern ideas, well traveled, strong relative experience, respectfully sensitive to the heritage and provenance of his offering. Nice solid start.

This sounds like an expression of all the things he is passionate about, it sounds loud, elaborate, It will appeal to the crowds and he is the greatest showman.
Start spreading the news...

If only it was that simple nowadays to open something you love and expect people to come through your door because they love it too. You have to be irresistible, you have to shout, and shout loud!

Yikes, I've never seen anything like it! This clearly demonstrates intent, purpose and direction. 

You've got to admit, it looks like a great center piece. A talking point, something to nod approvingly at as you discuss whether to go snowboarding or backpacking to India. 
Now that is a very stereotypical thing to say, and so is this.... It will appeal to people who want to visit Northdown road and experience something different, fresh and exciting.... and you know what it might just work...

It is pleasing to see that everything is choreographed, the style runs through its theme. It is vibrant, edgy, unique. 

One of the key foundations of your business is knowing what you are, and building your business around that. This appeals to like minded people, but the number one key to success in Northdown road is diversifying to suit the wants, needs and interests of the people that reside here. You can do that and stay true to your core values, but there is a fine line between being the place to go, and a no go. 

Lets talk about food, and who is likely to be a customer, here is one scenario:

Now we are moving through the gears, lunch and brunch, things to nibble and munch, this is probably where the parents with young kids will meets for a hot beverage and some deliciously inspired street food, maybe a cocktail, maybe a mocktail?
Edgy beats, urban vibe, you feel alive.
Time to go, take a bottle of the incredible natural wine home, sod it get a sitter and bring the other half out, maybe meet friends. This is a great hang out. 
The ale lovers like it too, they serve a decent drop. 
What's on the menu? Get a selection we can share a few dishes, OMG amazing food, get the camera out, it's going on my Insta story #streetsmargate. See you again tomorrow.....

And that's the idea.

The big question is, will it work?

Hell yeah! But others have failed and disappeared from history, eaten by the curse of Northdown road.

Despite being the 8th wonder of the world (its my new best favorite descriptor), Northdown road is still an enigma, and new bars have to hit the right notes. 
I'm not getting a take away vibe here, more small plates with mates. However...

Let's start with the basics, who is going to be your customers and is there enough people around you to support and sustain you?

To have a healthy year round business you have to appeal with whats on your door step everyday of the year. Although this looks like a typical busy London commercial road, This isn't London. There isn't an infinite amount of people to appeal to.

Northdown road is a complete mash up of random businesses and despite the daily passing trade seeming high, there are not many that are here with the intention of being enticed in to eat. The people that work here are more likely to bring lunch with them than eat out. 

You will notice there are plenty of Estate Agents and Letting Agents, but they do not generally have lunch out, most eat in the back office, so possibly offer a take out service and target them? Do your thing with wraps/naans, or whatever you think makes you the "OMG you gotta have this today" and make sure it doesn't fall into just a "I tried it there, it was nice" and also offer a pre-order service as they also tend to stagger their breaks.

I am excited to see the food and how it is presented. There is a huge percentage of middle eastern cultures here, many of whom will adore food which crosses borders. I ate at fellow Northdown road venue  Pasha last summer and despite my excitement and willingness to buy into the culture, I left without buying a main course, it was that disappointing. That said the appetite for that market is still there.

The White Rabbit will be paying you a visit soon. In the mean time I wish you every success in building your business, client base and future.

If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere, its up to you in the 8th wonder of the world!!!
